Nous sommes…

Jess Shulman
Photo du visage de Jess Shulman
Jess Shulman, Certified Professional Editor, assume la coprésidence du Comité directeur du programme Certification. Elle travaille comme réviseure à la pige et offre des services de rédaction et de révision linguistique aux entreprises, aux maisons d'édition et aux auteurs


Learn how to tell stories about science in our Mar. 13 webinar with Kathryn Jepsen! You'll come away with an understanding of how to make four different story structures work: the news story, the explainer, the feature and the profile. Register now: (link in bio) 

Member price: $42 / Non-member price: $70 

[Alt: Megaphone, notebook and laptop with Editors Canada logo on its screen, below text "Editors Canada webinar, Thursday, March 13, 1 PM ET. Four Basic Structures for a Science Article Aimed at the General Public: Learn how to tell engaging stories about scientific topics"] 
(Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © 

#Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada


Editors/Réviseurs Canada️ 2025-02-13T22:35:00+0000

Learn how to tell stories about science in our Mar. 13 webinar with Kathryn Jepsen! You'll come away with an understanding of how to make four different story structures work: the news story, the explainer, the feature and the profile. Register now: Member price: $42 / Non-member price: $70 (Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © #Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada

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