Editors’ Association of Canada Announces Scholarship Opportunity for Student Editors


Toronto, November 9, 2009—The Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) is pleased to introduce a $1,000 scholarship to help fund continuing professional development for student members of EAC who hope to become editors. The deadline for applying is November 30, 2009.

Established in 2009, the Claudette Upton Scholarship honours the memory of Claudette Reed Upton-Keeley. Upton was a gifted editor who loved the English language. She worked freelance and in-house, specializing in scientific, medical and historical materials. She was an honorary life member of EAC, taught editing courses and was a much-loved mentor to many. Her efforts to encourage editors in training will continue through the provision of the annual scholarship.

Student members of EAC are invited to send their applications by mail to the Claudette Upton Scholarship Coordinator, Editors’ Association of Canada, 505-27 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON M5B 1L2, or by email to claudetteuptonscholarship@editors.ca, and include the following documents:

  • A reference letter from an instructor in the applicant’s course or program
  • A resumé (two pages maximum) describing the applicant’s education and work history
  • A 300-word statement in response to the question «At the end of your long career as an editor, what one thing do you hope to be most proud of?»

The selection committee will choose a scholarship winner who best demonstrates an aptitude for editing, a commitment to pursuing a career as an editor and qualities reminiscent of honorary life member Claudette Upton. The winner is encouraged to use the prize to attend EAC’s national conference, purchase EAC publications or attend association workshops. The winner will be acknowledged at EAC’s national conference, Reflections: Editing Content and Culture, in Montreal, on May 29, 2010.

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À propos de Réviseurs Canada

Remise annuellement, la bouse d’études Claudette-Upton est une bourse offerte à l’échelle nationale qui reconnaît les talents d’un réviseur ou d’une réviseure de la relève. Ce prix a été nommé en mémoire d’une réviseure de grand talent, Claudette Reed Upton-Keeley. Cette amoureuse de la langue de Shakespeare s’est impliquée activement dans de nombreuses œuvres visant la sauvegarde de l’environnement et la justice sociale tout au long de sa vie. Son merveilleux sens de l’humour et son esprit aiguisé restent gravés dans les mémoires.

Il est possible d’obtenir d’autres renseignements sur la bourse d’études Claudette-Upton en consultant le site Web de Réviseurs Canada.

Personne-ressource pour les médias

Michelle Ou (elle/she)
Gestionnaire principale des communications
Réviseurs Canada

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