Toronto, March 26, 2009—The Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) is proud to announce the first editors to successfully complete all four tests in EAC’s landmark certification program and achieve the designation of Certified Professional Editor (CPE).
Janice Dyer (Mississauga)
Kristina Lundberg (Edmonton)
Anne Louise Mahoney (Ottawa)
Ann-Marie Metten (Vancouver)
«These distinguished editors have demonstrated exemplary skill, experience and dedication, not to mention hard work, to pass all four demanding certification tests,» according to Zofia Laubitz and Barbara Tomlin, co-chairs of EAC’s Certification Steering Committee. «We are delighted to congratulate Canada’s first CPEs in 2009—which happens to be EAC’s 30th anniversary.»
Awarding Canada’s first CPEs marks a milestone for EAC—the achievement of a long-held goal to establish the gold standard for editing in Canada. EAC certification formally recognizes editors who have demonstrated excellence in their profession, paving the way for businesses, governments, organizations and individuals to select and hire editors with proven credentials.
EAC’s certification program is composed of four tests: Elementary Knowledge of the Publishing Process, Proofreading, Copy Editing and Structural and Stylistic Editing. Editors who pass all four tests are awarded the designation of CPE. Editors can also choose to take only two of the tests (Elementary Knowledge of the Publishing Process and one other) to earn credentials as a Certified Proofreader, Certified Copy Editor or Certified Structural and Stylistic Editor.
Since the certification tests were launched in 2006, EAC has accredited a total of 4 Certified Professional Editors, 25 Certified Proofreaders, 25 Certified Copy Editors and 5 Certified Structural and Stylistic Editors.
EAC’s 2009 Certification Tests
Registration for EAC’s 2009 certification tests opens in July 2009. Test dates are November 21 and 23, 2009. The following test locations are planned, demand and resources permitting: Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax. To assist editors who plan to write the certification tests, EAC offers a four-volume study guide, with one volume for each test.
For more information, visit the Editors Canada certification page.
Réviseurs Canada en bref
Il est possible d’obtenir en ligne d’autres renseignements (en anglais) sur le programme Editors Canada Professional Certification.
Réviseurs Canada a vu le jour en 1979, sous le nom de Freelance Editors’ Association of Canada (FEAC) pour la promotion et le maintien de normes rigoureuses en révision. En 1994, elle devenait l’Association canadienne des réviseurs/Editors’ Association of Canada, de manière à servir tant les réviseurs en entreprise que les réviseurs pigistes. Seule association nationale du domaine de la révision au pays, Réviseurs Canada rassemble 1 300 membres et affiliés, pigistes et salariés, qui œuvrent dans les secteurs commercial, technique, gouvernemental, universitaire, associatif et de l’édition. Les programmes et services de l’association comprennent la certification (révision en langue anglaise), un congrès annuel, des séminaires, des webinaires et des occasions de réseautage avec d’autres associations. Réviseurs Canada compte quatre sections régionales, soit Colombie-Britannique, Toronto, Ottawa-Gatineau et Québec, de même que des ramifications, soit Canada Atlantique, Barrie, Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton-Halton, Kingston, Kitchener-Waterloo-Guelph et Manitoba.
Personne-ressource pour les médias
Michelle Ou (elle/she)
Gestionnaire principale des communications
Réviseurs Canada