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Maureen McGuigan
Photo du visage de Maureen McGuigan
Maureen McGuigan agit comme bénévole pour le comité de la gestion des bénévoles et le groupe de travail sur le site Web. Originaire des Prairies et établie dans l'ouest du pays, elle est gestionnaire de projets pour un cabinet de services


While editing, you may encounter errors that are likely to occur in multiple places. It can be tempting to pause a read-through to chase down all these "squirrel" edits—which too often can lead to half-completed checks or to errors you're later shocked to have missed. In our Apr. 2 webinar with Claire Fossey, learn to manage these distracting squirrel edits without losing the plot. Register now: (link in bio) 

Member price: $27 / Non-member price: $45 

[Alt: Megaphone, notebook and laptop with Editors Canada logo on its screen, below text "Editors Canada webinar, Wednesday, April 2, 1 PM ET. Managing 'Squirrel' Edits: Avoid Losing Your Way Chasing Global Edits. Learn how to handle recurring errors in a text without losing your place in the overall copy edit"] 
(Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos ©

#Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada


While editing, you may encounter errors that are likely to occur in multiple places. It can be tempting to pause a read-through to chase down all these "squirrel" edits—which too often can lead to half-completed checks or to errors you're later shocked to have missed. In our Apr. 2 webinar with Claire Fossey, learn to manage these distracting squirrel edits without losing the plot. Register now: Member price: $27 / Non-member price: $45 (Image copyright: megaphone by liravega258 ©, laptop/notebook by yupiramos © #Editing #EditingAdvice #EditingTips #ProfessionalDevelopment #EditorsCanada

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